Getting a loan is quick and safe with United Pawnbrokers III . The process is quick as 1-2-3-4
- Step 1. Bring us something of value which can be virtually anything that has some value to it such as Gold, Silver, Watches,Jewelry, Electronics, Power Tools, Cell Phones and Tablets, Laptops, Lawn Equipment Drones click here for more information on item we take.
- Step 2. Valid identification documanet such as ID, Driver Licence, Any Passport, Military ID, Mexico Matricula Consular.
- Step 3. Sign a legal document specifying the loan
Your item will be store securely with us. If you decided to collect your item, it will be available to you as soon as your balance paid. You can always extend pick-up time by paying interest. The most important thing is you still own the item while your item with us.